Category: Entrepreneurship
Change your game

Systemic work was originally developed by Bert Hellinger. This phenomenon was mainly applied in family constellations initially, but after 1998 it has also been used extensively in organizational constellations worldwide. An organizational constellation is an effective way to gain systemic insights from the undercurrent of a system (person, family, organization, club, etc.) which would not … Continued

In memory of Thich Nhat Hanh, I would like to share with you one of the wisdoms I was privileged to receive through him. Thich Nhat Hanh was an inspiring teacher with a particularly simple and endearing way of imparting wisdom, a peace maker, an passionate poet and writer, and most of all a great … Continued

We are heading the end of 2021 and are almost at the beginning of 2022. Historically, this time of year is reserved for letting go of things that no longer serve you and setting intentions for what you would like to experience in the new year. Letting go is liberating and gives you the energy … Continued

Let’s first look at the definition of coherence? Coherence is a quality or a state of a logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts. A coherent system is a system in sync. The coherence of a person is the degree of balance, strength and congruency of this individual. Did you know that we have … Continued

Do you know/ remember the ‘logical levels’ of Robert Dilts? These logical levels provide a helpful structure for looking at what’s happening in any individual, group or organization. They define six levels of thinking or situation: Vision, Identity, Beliefs, Capabilities, Behavior and Environment. In personal coaching as well as in business setting, this model is … Continued

Before we get into your influence on your own happiness, it seems necessary to me to talk about the definition of happiness. What is happiness? The social psychologist Ap Dijksterhuis has brought together various characteristics of happiness as described throughout the ages. According to Dijksterhuis, happiness is a process, something you can and should work … Continued