Live your true essence
Imagine how you would be in life when you feel no limitations at all and that you can REALLY live from your heart. Everything feels lighter in a flow of effortlessness and joy. That is living from your true essence! It is the experience of ultimate freedom, of complete self-acceptance, of becoming aware of the unlimited possibilities of fulfilling your deepest desire.
If all goes well, you can recall some moments in your memories when you experienced this feeling for a brief moment: during a silent walk in nature, dancing under the stars, cuddling with your pet, being completely in the flow of what ever you are doing… Can you remember what you felt then: peace, freedom, joy?… did you feel very close to yourself and everything was just right? What happened shortly after that? If I may guess, before you realize it, that feeling of happiness is quickly gone and your head is again filled with all the daily worries…. AM I right? But life should offer more than every now and then an occasional moment of happiness, don’t you think? Is lasting happiness possible? If so, how can we find it?
An important message that many Gurus of both our era and from ancient times tried to pass on is that happiness is our nature, our essence. To find lasting happiness you only need to discover your true essence and live from there. It sounds like a cliché, doesn’t it? Yet many super successful individuals in the world history do know how to apply this wisdom to their lives.
“The strongest force in the universe is a human being living consistently with his true self.”- Tony Robbins
But what exactly is that: your essence? According to the dictionary, essence is the core substance of, something that has an imperishable nature of… Your essence is therefore something that is always present and remains the same despite all the changes you have experienced, whether of your values, your thoughts, your emotions and/ or even of your own body. All of these have changed countless times if all goes well, but what is it that always remains aware of all of this changes: that is your essence, your pure consciousness. You can compare consciousness to a TV screen on which your life stories can be seen and experienced as film fragments. When you are watching a movie and are completely absorbed in it, it seems as if the screen does not exist. But the screen is definitely there, otherwise you would not be able to see and experience the movie at all. Your essence, your pure consciousness is ‘the screen’, the silent unchanging background on which all your life stories and experiences are noticed. Discovering your pure essence and living from it is no secret, but why do most of us not know it? and for those who do know it, yet often remains difficult to integrate into daily life?!?
There is a good chance that my explanation will raise even more questions for you. This is quite understandable because this is so remote from our normal thinking. Only by experiencing it yourself can you determine if it is true for yourself or not. Are you looking for ultimate freedom? The freedom to be who you really are and to live from your heart? Then I have good news for you: YOU CAN! If you’re thinking right now, “That sounds too good to be true!” OR “It sounds interesting, but how?”, then I would totally understand. After all, I’ve been there too. Not so long ago, I mostly lived inside my head. I ‘had to’ a lot and was allowed very little by myself. My life felt more like a project… until I discovered my true self. The rest is history😊
Are you ready to discover your true essence and live your dream?
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