The source of systemic work

Systemic work was originally developed by Bert Hellinger. This phenomenon was mainly applied in family constellations initially, but after 1998 it has also been used extensively in organizational constellations worldwide. An organizational constellation is an effective way to gain systemic insights from the undercurrent of a system (person, family, organization, club, etc.) which would not come to light otherwise. The insights obtained from these constellations are so valuable that constellation work has become an accepted method in the business world.


How does a constellation work?

A constellation is done in response to a question from the bringer. Under the guidance of a facilitator, the bringer chooses the representatives for the persons/elements from his/her system. These representatives are intuitively chosen by the bringer and placed in a constellation. From that moment on, something special happens. The representatives appear to be able to feel physically and emotionally what is going on in the persons/elements they represent.

By asking the representatives questions about their experiences in the place in question, the facilitator then finds out where the balance in the system is disturbed. The facilitator can change the positions and the number of representatives to bring movement into the constellation, to unravel something that is stuck and eventually restore the balance.

A constellation shows the bringer a reality that remained hidden until then and unveils the possible solutions towards balance.


What is the source of systemic constellation?

It is wonderful that there is a method available that allows us to uncover hidden information to restore the balance of our systems. But have you ever wondered where all this information comes from?

All system constellations assume and take place in an energy field. Bert Hellinger referred to “the knowing field” that really connects everything: family, ancestors, organization, the natural world and all of humanity. According to him, with a clear intention and question, we can interact with this conscious energy field for the information needed. British biologist Rupert Sheldrake calls this field the “morphogenetic field.” He explains this field phenomenon as an organizing force that explains behavioural patterns in social groups, as also often noticed in schools of fish and flocks of birds.

Please ponder with me for a moment! How does the information from the field get to us. Systems constellation is one of the methodologies that makes us realize that our brain/body must be a kind of transmitter vs. receiver interacting with the field. Do you know that there are many other methods and techniques (from ancient times to modern technologies) by which one can initiate and promote communication with this information field?

Have you ever considered the idea that your brain/body is a kind of transmitter-receiver? That what you send and receive happens in over 96% automatically and is governed by your beliefs deep in your subconscious. Consciously sending/receiving only works when you set a clear intention and when your system is coherent. Because coherence is so broad I have explained it in a separate blog (The power of coherence).

For now it is relevant to note that achieving coherence and transmitting/receiving can be supported even more powerfully by modern quantum physics technologies.


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