The power of coherence

Let’s first look at the definition of coherence? Coherence is a quality or a state of a logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts. A coherent system is a system in sync. The coherence of a person is the degree of balance, strength and congruency of this individual.

Did you know that we have not one but three brains? Recent neuroscience research shows that not only does our brain have a neural network, but also our heart and gut. The neural networks in our heart and gut can function independently and are also capable of storing information, reflecting and learning.

The statements like ‘I’m living inside my head’, ‘my heart is full of something’ or ‘I have butterflies in my stomach’ are unconscious references to one of these three brains. You can speak of coherence when your three brains are coherent and when they all work together in harmony. If you would like to find out yourself if your system is coherent? Simply reflect and check whether your thoughts, your feelings and your actions are in alignment with each other.


A coherent brain (brain coherence) is a state in which the different parts of your brain communicate harmoniously with each other. Coherence in the brain reflects the number and strength of connections between the left and the right hemispheres. High brain coherence increases creativity and learning ability, verbal intelligence and performance, etc. You can improve brain coherence by promoting communication between the two parts of your brain.


When you breathe in, your heart rate is slightly faster than when you breathe out. A slow and deep breathing where your out-breath is somewhat longer than your in-breath can ensure that this heart rate variation will fall in line with your breathing rhythm. Your heartbeat and breathing then have a synchronous pattern. This is heart coherence. A chaotic heart rhythm pattern is common in people who often feel frustrated, angry or stressed. This affects brain functions such as understanding, focus and memory. Conversely, psychological symptoms can also negatively affect heart coherence. Your heart and brain are constantly communicating with each other. This communication has a big influence on your mental and physical functioning. You can promote heart coherence through conscious breathing.


You are probably convinced that you think with your brain, but many thoughts and emotions are already emerging in your gut. The enteric nervous system (the abdominal brain) is located in the digestive tract and has at least as many nerve cells as our brain. Your belly communicates continuously with your brain through the brain-gut axis. This connection translates your thoughts into physical reactions in your intestines and thus influences the balance of your gut flora. Conversely, a healthy gut flora is responsible for the production of 90% of serotonin in your body, which has a major impact on your emotions and mood. Sufficient serotonin makes you feel uplifting and happy. With too little serotonin, you experience stress, anxiety and even depression. We can even become mentally ill when our gut is not functioning properly. With diet and exercise you can restore the balance of your gut flora and thus influence the coherence of your abdominal brain.

All the above is the way we look at coherence from a Western science perspective: a coherent state of ‘your system’ can be achieved by promoting the balance in your three brains.

The Eastern approach to coherence is based on the flow of energy between the different energy centers (chakras) of your body. This approach goes further than the tangible physical aspects. Coherence in this case means that the energy in and between these energy centers can flow freely without blockages.


What can cause blockages in your energy system? We often give our attention to the tangible aspects such as movement/ breathing/ nutrition/ etc. With that we often forget that there are even more fundamental aspects to coherence. SO what are they and what can you do about them? Your energy centers can become blocked by stress and unprocessed or repressed emotions. In fact, every time you feel constrained and limited by a thought, an emotion or any expression, there is definitely one or more limiting belief or identification behind it.

By inquiring and transforming these limitations, the blockages can be released, allowing your energy to flow freely again. In my coaching practice, Western science and the Eastern approach are combined and supported by quantum technology. Your self-inquiry and transformation towards coherence can take place effectively in a sustainable way.

Would you like to experience the power of coherence for yourself? Do you long for balance and a life in flow from ultimate freedom?

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