Are you looking for a personal coach, whose approach is based on mutual respect and trust? Then you’ve come to the right place. I believe that all the answers and solutions you are looking for are already inside you. With powerful yet simple tools, supported by quantum technology, I help you to reveal these insights and integrate them into your daily life. This will always happen in a sacred and safe setting. You can contact me for personal coaching or business coaching, whether on-line or on-site in my coaching space overlooking the lake IJmeer. Read more about my approach here.

Coaching wheel

We all want to be happy and successful, but most of us just don’t know where and how to begin. All aspects of your life are interconnected and influence each other. Sometimes you experience problems in one area, while the root cause lies in a totally different one. The coaching wheel is a valuable tool that helps you to become aware of important areas of your life and to reflect on areas that need most attention. At Chi2Create, we don’t dwell on the problems; we focus on what you really want instead. Everything starts with a clear intention.
The coaching wheel is used as the starting point for a Personal Coaching program.

Wil je succesvol zijn en je gelukkig voelen, maar weet je niet waar je moet beginnen om dit voor elkaar te krijgen? Dat is niet gek, want alle aspecten van je leven staan in verbinding met elkaar en worden door elkaar beïnvloed. Soms ervaar je problemen op een bepaald gebied, terwijl de oorzaak daarvan in een totaal ander, onverwacht gebied ligt.

More about Personal Coaching
Coaching wheel
Systemic work

Systemic work

Systemic work is a way to gain insight in your role/place in a system. A system can be your family, your group of close friends, your sport team, your own company, etc. In a Level-Up-Your-Life program, we analyze your role in a particular system and explore possible obstacles for your personal development and growth.
Organizations are a little more complex, because more systems are involved. Possible blockages or dependencies can get in the way of the intended course. On the surface, everything seems to be ok. But what’s really going on that causes the problem? Systemic work in a Business Coaching program will provide you powerful insight into the possible undercurrent(s) and how to influence them.

Als mens beweeg je je in allerlei systemen: je gezin, je familie, je sportteam, je eigen onderneming, etc. Misschien voel jij je in bepaalde groepen heel veilig, sterk en succesvol, terwijl je in andere groepen je weg maar niet kunt vinden.

More about Business Coaching
Quantum Physics & Information Filed

Quantum Physics & Information Filed

Each program offered by Chi2Create is tailored and supported with concepts and tools from Western psychology, Eastern wisdom, Quantum physics and Information Field technology.

Findings from modern quantum physics show that all material processes are driven by information, that information is fundamental to matter and that it is present throughout space.
In my e-book I briefly explain that everything we until recently thought was empty space, is in fact a field filled with energy. Energy always vibrates at a certain frequency. Information needs frequency to move around. Frequency is in fact the language between information and energy. The internet and various (data) clouds are a nice analogy for this phenomenon. The Information Field can be seen as a universal cloud. By applying the Information Field technology, we can connect to and access this “universal cloud”, to receive and transmit the information that resonates with us.
Welk traject je ook bij mij volgt, ik maak altijd gebruik van zowel Westerse filosofie als Oosterse wijsheden en theorieën en technologieën op het gebied van kwantumfysica.
Quantum Physics & Information Filed
The Chi2Create-model

The Chi2Create-model

The Chi2Create model was set-up based on my own experience and pragmatism. This model consists of three core steps that continue to support and strengthen each other:

Ook werk ik, welk traject je ook volgt, altijd volgens het Chi2Create-model. Dit model is ontwikkeld vanuit mijn eigen ervaring en pragmatisme. Dit model bestaat uit drie kernstappen die elkaar ondersteunen en versterken:

The Chi2Create-model

Waking Up

Becoming aware of who you really are and of your own reality. Read more

Cleaning Up

Gaining insight into what is holding you back from your goal and transforming it. Read more

Showing Up

Catalyzing your potential to achieve your goal and to show up in the world as the person you really are. Read more
  • Waking Up - Becoming aware of who you really are and of your own reality. Read more
  • Cleaning Up - Gaining insight into what is holding you back from your goal and transforming it. Read more
  • Showing Up - Catalyzing your potential to achieve your goal and to show up in the world as the person you really are. Read more