In all Chi2Create coaching programs, I apply Western science, Eastern wisdom as well as Information Field technology. Many of these theories and concepts can be somewhat complicated. My own need for a practical application of the most effective tools has driven me to create the Chi2Create model. This model consists of three core steps that support and reinforce each other:



‘Waking up’ is becoming aware of who you really are and of your own reality. Every (decision to) change starts with a wake-up call. Whatever the wake-up call is, it is actually a signal and a chance for you to take a good look at yourself, to explore your inner world.

From the theories of quantum physics we’ve learned that everything you can perceive with your senses is only 0.01% of reality. The other 99.99% (also that of your body) is actually an invisible energy field. This raises the following questions:

  • Who or what are you really?
  • What is the true nature of your own reality?
  • What does your personal reality say about you?

The ‘waking up’ step in the Chi2Create model gives you powerful insight and awareness to realize who you really are and to see the true nature of your own reality.



We now know that what we consciously think or do only leads to a maximum of 4% of the results. The subconscious is responsible for no less than 96% of your results. It is therefore quite essential to get to know your subconscious and to cooperate with it.

The ‘Cleaning up’ step in the Chi2Create model helps you reveal and transform what is hidden in your subconscious: your shadows, the beliefs that block you, all the themes that are holding you back the way to your goal. Working with the subconscious remains a difficult topic for many, but the Information Field principles and technology make it possible to facilitate this process effectively.



Chi2Create uses Integral Life Practices (ILP) from Ken Wilber as the structure for the required action plan. This structure helps you to integrally define, plan and execute your actions in a way that is in-line with your goals.

The ‘showing up’ step in the Chi2Create model helps you to catalyze your potential to achieve your goal, to show up in the world as the person you really are. Being who you really are is the expression of ultimate freedom. The freedom to live, to create and to manifest your dreams.


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