Connect to your essence Live your life in freedom & wealth

Do you feel that there’s something in your daily life that keeps holding you back? Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Do you have big ambitions and great plans but you are tired of running into the same obstacles over and over again? Or do you have almost everything you desire, but you still can’t enjoy life?

Hello, my name is Chi. As a passionate transformation coach, I’m here to show you that this all can change. With my integral approach, I will help you to discover your true essence, to unleash your power and to live a life of freedom, joy and wealth.

As an transformative – and integral coach, I combine Eastern wisdom with Western science to help you become aware of your essence, reconnect with your true self and regain your natural coherence. Once in coherence, you will experience ultimate freedom, an abundance of energy to live the best version of yourself and to manifest your dreams.

Do you truly want to invest in sustainable change, instead of fighting the symptoms? Are you open to new perspectives and self-inquiry? If yes,

please contact me

Personal coaching

Personal coaching at Chi2Create helps you to discover your true essence and to live a life of ultimate freedom and abundance. You are invincible, once you discover and embrace who you really are. As an transformation coach with an integral and experiential approach, my passion is to help you to reconnect with your own essence, regain your natural coherence and live the life of your dreams. Level up your Life !

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Personal coaching
Business coaching

Business coaching

What if you would have the necessary insights to play the game on your own term? Do you want to learn the art of trusting, in order to do business with ease, joy and success? Having an integral coach can only enhance your business and broaden your capabilities. The skies the limit! Would you like to learn more about business coaching by Chi2Create. Are you ready to Change your Game ?

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Free e-book

Have a feel of your essence towards a life of freedom, joy and wealth with my free e-book.

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Free e-book

Transformation coach - All is energy

Transformation coach - All is energy

My name is Chi, I am an integral and pragmatic transformative coach from Amsterdam. I am passionate about the untouched human potential and about the common ground of Western psychology, Eastern wisdom and quantum physics, and especially about its practical applications for our daily life. My mission is to live my life in ultimate freedom and unlimited abundance, and to help others to do the same.  More about me

With a history of more than 20 years in the corporate world, I understand the business well, from operational to the level of top management, as well as entrepreneurial challenges and concerns. I offer new perspectives and approach to contemporary dilemmas. My motto is: why crawl when we have wings?

More about my approach

You are looking for an integral coach with an experiential approach and you want to find out how I can help you? Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I work with clients across the world, on-line as well as on-site in Amsterdam.

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