Chi2Create helps managers and entrepreneurs to reveal hidden insights, to become aware of the possibilities, and subsequently to put them into action. Are you looking for a way to do your business with ease, joy and success? A business coaching program at Chi2Create can help you to “Change your Game”!

Change your Game

Are you a manager or entrepreneur with great ambitions? Are you convinced that success only comes with hard work? Do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulder? Are you ready to change your mindset, to travel a new path and play the game differently? What if you would have the necessary insights to play the game on your own term? Is doing business with more trust, ease and joy something you are searching for? If yes, the business coaching program ‘Change your Game’ at Chi2Create is the answer for you!

Just imagine:

  • You have a crystal clear vision of where your team/ company is heading.

  • You trust that your people are doing their best to achieve the company goal.

  • You have plenty of time to spend on the growth and strategy of your company.

  • You get up every day with an inspiring vision of your company.

  • You are confident that everything you set out is destined to succeed.

Just imagine:

Does this sound promising to you? Start a business coaching program at Chi2Create to get your business to a totally different playing field!

Please contact me for more information. If you are interested in a business coaching program at Chi2Create, you can register for an intake here. During our intake, either face to-face or on-line, we take a look at your company, your team(s), your plans and your goals – just to name a few things. This helps us determine where you are, where you want to go, and what the problems are that stand in your way.
Whether you want to achieve a certain goal and/or you are struggling with a certain dilemma, the first and foremost important thing is to have insight in the ‘playing field’. Systemic work helps you to see the possible causes and interdependencies to play the game on your own terms. I also facilitate this process by applying Information Field technology from quantum physics.

In my corporate career I have had various roles, ranging from a process architect and a consultant to various management roles in technical and innovative environments. I also co-founded a software development company. Therefore, I know the corporate world well, from operational to the level of top management, as well as the entrepreneurial problems and concerns.

Klinkt jou dat als muziek in de oren? Met Ondernemen met Gemak bij Chi2Create krijg je het voor elkaar!

Vraag een vrijblijvend intakegesprek aan. Tijdens het intakegesprek kijken we samen naar wat jouw vraag en doelstelling zijn voor je eigen team of onderneming. Of je nu met een bepaald probleem worstelt, of juist een bepaald doel wilt bereiken; systeemopstelling helpt om de dieper liggende oorzaken en verbanden te zien de je verder kunnen helpen.

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