
Certified and accredited coach

  • NLP practitioner
  • Time-Waver practitioner
  • All-round PSYCH-K® facilitator
  • Master in Quantum Medicine
  • Certified coach
  • Integral coach

Are you looking for a coach who goes beyond the specific coaching themes; someone who focuses on the essence of coaching and strives for sustainable transformation? Hello, my name is Chi. I am a certified coach in Amsterdam. All personal transformations start with a wake-up call. This can be a profound event in your life, such as an burn-out, an accident, a divorce, a serious illness. But a wake-up call can also be a sudden revelation, an epiphany that will change your life forever. For me it was the second one: it happened when I first learned about quantum physics.

It happened a few years ago since I got acquainted with quantum physics. From then on, I see a world with infinite potential, a completely different world from what I until then, saw as the only reality. Inspired by all the new knowledge and experiences, I decided to quit my great career in the technology sector to explore a new path. My personal development journey started with a NLP practitioner study and went on to many personal development quests at MindValley. It began to take form during the advanced retreats of Dr. Joe Dispenza and many PSYCH-K® workshops. It’s been emerging since my Awareness Coaching (@ZIJN Coaching Academy) and Quantum Medicine ( studies. It has changed the way I look at life forever!

There are quite some types of coaching offered nowadays: career coach, life coach, personal development coach, executive coach, business coach, performance coach. Chi2Create focuses on the essence of coaching and what all these forms of coaching have in common. When you google for “coach”, you will get thousands of search results. How do you choose the right coach? My advice: choose someone whose philosophy and approach resonate most with you and who has the required credentials.
Are you feeling limited or stuck? Do you have great plans but can’t find the time, commitment and energy to execute them? Are you just surviving instead of thriving? Do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulder? Is doing business with more trust, ease and joy something you are searching for? My mission is to help you to connect with your own source of wisdom, to regain your energy and to experience a life of freedom and abundance. I want to help you to live your dreams!
Are you looking for a certified coach: someone who strives for sustainable transformation? Does a integral approach based on Western science, Eastern wisdom and Quantum technology resonate with you?

Transformation starts with awareness

What I have gained from my own journeys not only gives me profound insight into the (invisible) world around me, but also into myself. An powerful realization that my own reality is indeed a projection of my thoughts and emotions. I also experienced personally that change always starts with yourself. If you want to transform, you must first become aware. You need to take the time and silence to observe your own patterns and behaviors, to reveal your limiting beliefs and identifications. As this can be very confronting, you need to be willing to explore your inner world. I am here to help you doing just that.

Living your authentic self

My own journeys have brought me closer to my essence. I feel lighter and full of energy. For the first time in my life, I experience a sense of liberation, of ultimate freedom. I get butterflies in my belly. I am eager to create and manifest my dreams.

From a person who was totally left-brain oriented; an analytical person who was constantly engaged in strategies and her role in the world, I have come to a state of complete surrender, trust and joy. I am constantly fed with new inspirations and ideas. I feel like a kid again who just acts out of total confidence that anything is possible and that nothing can stop her. This is what I call living from your essence. Living in ultimate freedom and unlimited abundance. I believe whole heartedly that this is the life you deserve and I am passionate to guide you, if you are open and committed to it.

My passion

  • Western science, Eastern wisdom and quantum physics
  • Informationfield technology
  • The art of surrender to the mystery of life
  • To live life in unlimited abundance
  • To help others to be create and live their dreams

My beliefs

  • You are the creator of your own reality
  • The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind
  • If you want to transform your life, change your beliefs
  • Self-acceptance is the key to ultimate freedom
  • Life is a game to be played, not a problem to be fixed